13. März 2024

Development of a Dummy Chip for the ALICE 3 Outer Tracker Development of a Dummy Chip for the ALICE 3 Outer Tracker

Talk at DPG 2024

Author: Lars Döpper, Malte Grönbeck, Philip Hauer, and Bernhard Ketzer for the ALICE Germany collaboration

DPG 2024
DPG 2024 © Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
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The ALICE Collaboration currently plans a complete overhaul of the whole experiment for LS4 called ALICE 3. In this new setup tracking of charged particles will be done by a full pixel detector based on 65 nm MAPS technology.

The unprecedented estimated active area of around 60m2 calls for new production approaches in collaboration with partners from industry, as it is not feasible to test and produce the necessary amounts of sensors in the involved institutes alone. In order to test different gluing and bonding processes and also evaluate various cooling approaches we plan to design and produce a simple dummy chip at Bonn. This chip has the same dimensions as the final sensor chip and is able to generate a realistic heat profile, which can be used to test the effectiveness of various cooling solutions.

In this talk, we will present design considerations for the dummy chip, their implementation, and discuss the production at the FTD. In addition, we will report on our plans for industrialization of module production.

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