21. März 2023

Measurement of the proton charge radius at AMBER Measurement of the proton charge radius at AMBER

Group report at DPG SMuK 2023

Author: Martin Hoffmann for the AMBER collaboration

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The proton charge radius can be measured either by hydrogen spectroscopy or in lepton-proton elastic scattering. Previous measurements resulted in discrepant radii, which became known as the proton radius puzzle. The AMBER collaboration at CERN plans to perform a new precision measurement of the proton form factor at low momentum transfer using high-energy muon-proton elastic scattering. This measurement has different systematic uncertainties compared to those of low-energy elastic scattering. The recoil proton will be detected with a high-pressurized hydrogen-filled Time Projection Chamber (TPC), measuring the transferred energy and thus the squared four-momentum Q². The muon kinematics will be measured with high-precision vertex detectors around the TPC and a downstream spectrometer, which allows to select for elastic scattering events.

The core setup consisting of silicon tracking detectors and a prototype TPC was studied under realistic beam conditions during a pilot run in 2021. In 2022, the newly developed unified tracking system consisting of scintillating fibers for accurate timing and monolithic pixel-silicon detectors for high spatial precision was tested. This talk will present results of the on-going analyses and an overview of further developments towards the final setup.

Supported by EU.

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