Electronics for GEM Detectors - Recent Developments
Author: Christian Honisch
Science Snacks – Kurzvorträge & Experimente
YouTube Video der Physikshow Uni Bonn im Rahmen der Woche der Teilchenwelt.
Vortragende aus unserer Arbeitsgruppe: Philipp Bielefeldt, Tariq Mahmoud
Exotic Hadrons at COMPASS
Author: Bernhard Ketzer for the COMPASS collaboration
Die exotische Welt der Quarks & Gluonen
Autor: Bernhard Ketzer
Muon-p experiment with COMPASS: Results of the 2018 test measurement
Author: Martin Hoffmann for the COMPASS collaboration
Exotic Meson Spectroscopy at COMPASS
Author: Bernhard Ketzer for the COMPASS collaboration
From Pions to Kaons - Hadron Spectroscopy at COMPASS/AMBER
Author: Mathias Wagner for the COMPASS collaboration
Light exotic mesons at COMPASS
Author: Bernhard Ketzer for the COMPASS collaboration